This advice is part of an article that appeared in the Jan 13 edition of net magazine. The article was written by Paul Adams @Padday who is Facebook’s global head of brand design.
Designing for Facebook
“Design the news feed story first….The news feed is where most people will experience content from brands on Facebook; therefore it makes sense to spend the majority of time designing the news feed experience…design the most engaging, beautiful news feed story first, and reverse engineer whether you need a Canvas app to make the story possible.”
“Design for growth…think about how people will involve other people in the experience…when someone lands on your product experience what is the minimum amount of time and effort required for them to produce news feed stories that will be seen by their friends?..”
“Design peoples’ friends experience…design the primary actor’s experience at the same time as designing the experience of his friends, and friends of friends…”
” the primary goal of what you design should be the production of great news feed stories from your users and their friends. ”
Something to think about every time I update my own product page with a post.
This content came from a small break-out within the article ‘Facebook’s top 10 social design secrets’. The whole piece is a straight forward and interesting read on social behaviour and how to approach design for it, especially when accompanied by another article on page 130 of the same magazine by Katie Moffat @katiemoffat which covers the working of EdgeRank, Facebook’s algorithm, that shed’s light on how Facebook generates news feed content.
Sandra Dartnell, ThinkingCX