“Design in support of people.”

— Living with Complexity, Donald A. Norman, 2011

“Design Thinking is a system that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business can convert into consumer value and market opportunity.”

— Tim Brown, IDEO, 2008

“Innovation is rarely the big idea. More likely a series of small ideas brought together in a new and different way.”

— Dick Powell, Seymour Powell at D&T Futures, 2017

“The details are not the details. They make the product.”

— Charles & Ray Eames, 1961

“I guess I would say that interaction design is making technology fit people.”

— David Kelley, 2004, Designing Interactions, Bill Moggridge, 2007

“You are not looking for the wisdom of the crowd,
but the wisdom of someone in the crowd.”

— Where Great Ideas Come From, Steven Johnson, 2010